.-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- | Filename : wrecoil_mm | Version : 1.61 | Date : 14.5.2003 (dd.mm.yy) | Author : Jussi Kivilinna | E-mail : hullu@hullu.cjb.net | Web Site : http://www.hullu.cjb.net/ ´-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- Weapon Recoil -- Metamod Plugin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * More kick to weapons! (like with gauss) INSTALLION ^^^^^^^^^^ 1. You need Metamod or Adminmod (see LINKS) 2. Extract wrecoil_mm.ini to "c:\˝life\moddir\"-folder. 3. Extract wrecoil_mm.dll and wrecoil_mm_i386.so to "c:\˝life\moddir\dlls"-folder. 4. Add following two lines to "c:\˝life\moddir\metamod.ini": win32 dlls/wrecoil_mm.dll linux dlls/wrecoil_mm_i386.so If you reinstall Adminmod you have to add these lines again! CVARS ^^^^^ "wrecoil_multiplier" How much recoil? [default 1 ; min 0 ; max 10] "wrecoil_debug" 0:No debug info 1:Some debug info (use this one if you are making mod-support) 2:More debug info HISTORY ^^^^^^^ [1.61] * Fixed to work with servers [1.6] * Added 'wrecoil_version'-serverinfo-cvar * New looks in readme-file :) * [bugfix] Works now correctly after client disconnect [1.5] * Switched back to 1.09.00 (cannot be loaded on changelevel) * [bugfix] Works now correctly if someone leaves server [1.4] * Plugin can now be loaded on changelevel (You need metamod 1.11.00 or newer) [1.2c] * [bugfix] Setting "wrecoil_multiplier"-cvar to "0" now makes weapon recoil disabled [1.2b] * [ini] Scientist Hunt support * [bugfix] Fixed small error in code that caused error messages [1.2a] * [ini/dll] DMC support * Added 'wrecoil_debug'-cvar [1.2] * You can now add support for any mod by yourself! (Just edit wrecoil_mm.ini) * Recoil-config is in 'wrecoil_mm.ini' * [ini] Added TFC support! [1.1] * Rewritten so that support for other mods is easier to add * Added support for clipless weapons(grenades/energy weapons) * Added support for secondary attack ammo(9mmAR-grenades) [1.0] * Half-life and Opposing Force Support LINKS ^^^^^ Metamod: www.metamod.org Adminmod: www.adminmod.org